Scriptics - definitie. Wat is Scriptics
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Wat (wie) is Scriptics - definitie

<company> John Ousterhout's company that is the home of Tcl development and the TclPro tool suite. (1998-11-27)
  • Ottoman [[janissaries]]
  • Conscription of Poles to the Russian Army in 1863 (by [[Aleksander Sochaczewski]])
  • [[Evzones]] of the Presidential Guard in front of the [[Greek Parliament]] armed with M1 Garands
  • [[Conscription in Iran]]
  • Royal Life Guards]] in Copenhagen
  • Female Israeli soldiers
  • Painting depicting the ''Departure of the Conscripts of 1807'' by [[Louis-Léopold Boilly]]
  • New York anti-draft riots]] of 1863
  • invaded the Soviet Union]], 1941
  • Painting depicting a battle during the Ōnin War
  • terracotta]] soldier with his horse, China, 210–209 BC
  • Assembling and disassembling gun parts by Iranian soldiers with closed eyes.
  • Finnish conscripts swearing their [[military oath]] at the end of their basic training period
  • Swedish conscripts in 2008
  • Young men registering for conscription during [[World War I]], New York City, June 5, 1917
Conscripts; Military draft; Conscript; Mandatory military service; Mandatory army service; The Draft; Conscripted; Mandatory conscription; The draft; Draft card; Compulsory military service; Forced conscription; Compulsory Military Training; Levy system; Feudal levy; Compulsory military training; Military conscription; Conscript Troops; Conscript system; Draft law; Anti-conscription; Military slavery; Military Slavery; Military conscript; Military Draft; Universal military service; Conscription option; Compulsory draft; Ilkum; Drafting soldiers; Feudal levies; Draft (conscription); World War II draft; General conscription; Draft registration; Register for the draft; Registering for the draft; Slave-soldier; Conscript army; Called up for military service; Arguments against conscription; Military draught; Slave soldier; Slave military; Military slave; Military slavery in the Ottoman Empire; Slave soldiers; Conscription in Bulgaria; Conscription of women; Draftee; Draftee Army; Opposition to conscription; Call-up
A conscript is a person who has been made to join the armed forces of a country.
? volunteer
If someone is conscripted, they are officially made to join the armed forces of a country.
He was conscripted into the German army...
Peter was conscripted like every other young man.
= draft
VERB: usu passive, be V-ed into n, be V-ed
Scripting; Scripts; Script (disambiguation); SCRIPT; Scripting (disambiguation); Scripted (disambiguation)
·noun A writing; a written document.
II. Script ·noun An original instrument or document.
III. Script ·noun Written characters; style of writing.
IV. Script ·noun Type made in imitation of handwriting.
Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor Scriptics
1. where he founded two companies, Scriptics and Electric Cloud
A Philosophy of Software Design _ John Ousterhout _ Talks at Google